This page serves as an example of various charts. All charts source their data from a single post so they may be reused consistently across the site. Click “edit chart data” to go to the chart to edit its data. Edits affect the chart wherever it is referenced across the site.

In the sidebar, you may override the following settings for a chart when displaying it on a page: aspect ratio, headline, and caption.

Example Bar Chart with Data Labels and Custom Set Colors

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This bar chart has four unlabeled datasets with colors set for each.

Extensive Horizontal Bar Chart

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With data labels and dollar values.

Basic Doughnut Chart

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This is a simple example of a doughnut chart. Lorem ipsum.

This chart has its headline overridden on this page.

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The caption too! These overrides only apply on this page. Chart data remains consistent across the site.

Advanced ABC Line Chart

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Example of a reasonably dense chart.

Figure 1: Types of Hate Incidents, by Asian American Women, by Subgroups

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(n = 5,098 types)

Example Regular Bar Chart In Dollars with Data Labels

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This has labels and multiple bars with custom colors and should display in dollars.