Florida Chapter

In the fall of 2020, NAPAWF launched voter engagement work in Florida for the first time, culminating in 83% of the AAPI women we reached in committing to vote or curing their ballots. With this start, the Florida Chapter was founded to grow the voter engagement program ahead of the midterm elections in 2022. In 2022, we were able to speak to over 2000 AAPI voters with over 1200 AAPI voters stating their commitment to vote. The number of eligible AAPI voters in the state grew by 62% from 2010 to 2020. As we continue our efforts to turn out the community, AAPI voters can have a deciding voice in our elections.
NAPAWF Florida is building a multilingual, multigenerational membership that encompasses the diversity of the AAPI community in Florida. We continue to build capacity to participate in and run campaigns on both national issues, such as the HEAL Act, and local issues that advance reproductive justice, such as the ballot initiative to protect abortion access onto our Florida constitution.
In 2024, we are canvassing AAPI voters to get them out to vote – locally, statewide, and federally. Additionally, we are organizing voters to vote Yes on Amendment 4 to protect abortion access for all in the state! Amendment 4 “Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” will codify the right for all Floridians to have the freedom to make personal medical decisions, free of government intrusion by creating a constitutional amendment that explicitly blocks the implementation of laws that prohibit, delay, or restrict abortion access.
By voting, we can show that our voice matters, that elected officials cannot ignore us for any longer, and that they must address the concerns and needs of our community. We know what’s best for us, and voting is one way we can make decisions on behalf of our own lives, families, and communities.